Find X is a podcast about fracture in America and is seasoned with a dose of hope. When I (Syd Walter) use the word fracture I mean to describe the phenomenon of something underneath a problem. Almost like fracture is the wound under a scab. Fracture in this nation is deeply rooted and I am curious about those wounds. Throughout four episodes in four different states, Find X follows my detailed journeys as I explore the complexity of fracture through storytelling as storytelling can be common ground, not always battle ground, without denying us the dignity of our opinions and personhood.
Place is always important to consider before you listen to a story. Why was that place chosen? Who was left out? Both are good questions to ask. These four states were chosen for my interest in the stories that were there, and connections I had to people so that I could dig around and pull up threads of story. Each episode focuses on a different place and a fracture identified there. Please note that places contain multitudes and the fractures identified are not in an attempt to say there are not more than just that one fracture. These fractures and places have been chosen based on interest and access, but does not mean that I have fully explored all the complexities, nor that all these fractures don’t exist in different ways in each state.